2024 wrapup/2025 resolutions!

2024 has definitely been a year of all time. you lived it, i lived it. it's like we're family. i'll be adding this year to the wall of years if you don't mind
i just realized that to make a conventional wrapup i was supposed to make resolutions at the beginning of the year, which i didn't! i have learnt my lesson. let's pretend that my new year resolutions for 2024 were the default response to someone sneezing, namely:
- health
- money
- love
/money/ (meaning how my work year went, and education news) (yes i changed the order bite me)
my hours have increased to some amount i do not remember right now, but it's close to 30 hours a week, working in six different schools. all of them except one finished exceeding expectations.got many cases were i could make a positive difference, which is nice!

miku is still a cultural icon. nature is healed

everyone loved this activity, hahaha.
of those 30ish hours, 6 were from a Head of Physics Department i got nearing the end of the year. it was a nice taste of what it means to take additional (official) responsibility. as far as i know i was a good Head of Department. my tenure ends on february, but i still get to keep working in that school. great news tbh, i love that school
hours were aplenty, so money was not a big worry this year.
got to go to many marches in defense of public education, even though the socials and the noise did cause permanent cell damage

i was recalled to a school for the graduation ceremony because the two dinguses whom i gave life advice to for four months chose me to give them their diploma. it is customary for teachers to also give them a gift, so i got them a very cute pen and knit some yellow gays for em. they were understandably happy, and afterwards sent me an immensely sacharine email about how much of a positive influence i was in their lives. bothersome children i tell ya

/health/ (includes hobbies)
picked up the loom and needle, and got proficient with them. i'm very, very proud of myself for this. this has become a very positive hobby of mine. here are some examples:

in more digital news, i toyed a lot with rpg maker 2003, and managed to make (with rm2003's atrocious non-language that resembles assembly):
- a day/night cycle that tracks date and time
- a small debugging window that can track two variables with three or four digits each
- implemented a function logic structure using global variables and function calls that accepts inputs and returns outputs
- a custom graphical menu system
- a small system that changes prices according to the game date or any special condition
- battle items that trigger equipment changes, f.e. a Clay Pellet item that reloads your slingshot, increasing your damage, range and accuracy
- crafting systems
- got pretty good at battle eventing

and probably more that i'm forgetting right now. still, to me, this is huge. despite my silly overconfident facade, i feel /VERY/ insecure about my programming skills (i usually feel like the person who knows enough to make others think that i'm very good at something, but got nothing to show for it), and even if i don't get to finish this game demo as i want it to be, this has been a very rewarding experience. i will document my findings, so that i feel like i /do/ have something to show for it.
besides that, got like seven hundred teeth taken out, so my teeth hell is over. did a full checkup, and i'm in good health.
we closed the year very nicely, everyone is in good spirits. the creatures are, as per usual, creaturing around the house.

everyone got everyone else three million gifts, so incidentaly it is the christmas in which i received the most gifts like, ever hahaha. got two fidget toys/puzzles, a foldable rubber mat to dissassemble electronics, and some other stuff. still happy as a clam
/new years resolutions 2005/
let's see. my resolutions will be:
- be more organized
- build more, build better and document often
- keep an eye on my well-being
so, that's that. my final message. goodby e